Monday, April 1, 2013

Feel free to belt out the Joan Osborn song as necessary...

On Saturday afternoon, my fiance and I were relaxing and flipping through some TV channels.  We paused for a bit on a station that was playing The Passion of the Christ.  We talked a little bit about the movie itself, and then Zach asked me the greatest question:

"If Jesus came back to Earth today, in 2013, what would it take for you to believe it was him?"


I would like to say that I am so attuned to my faith and my prayer life that I would just know, the way some people "just know" early on in a new relationship that they have found "the one."

The truth?  My analytical side would be grinding its gears, trying to figure out what to make of things.  Being a still-new-ish social worker in a psychiatric hospital, I sometimes thing I get a little "diagnosis-happy" and perceive mental illness where it is not.  So my first thought about anyone claiming to be Jesus would most likely be schizophrenic.  Ouch.

But what if he performed an unexplainable miracle?  Truth is, I would still probably be poking at it, trying to find a scientific explanation for whatever happened.  Also, if, for example, someone was healed from an incurable disease, I might credit that to a miracle, but I might still not believe that the person claiming to be Jesus was Jesus.

So, anyway, it is a great question and I have to say that I don't know how to answer it.  Part of me is pretty defensive of my beliefs and I might doubt partially BECAUSE being Catholic is so important to me and I wouldn't want any old schmoe out there claiming to be Jesus.

I'm curious to see what other Christians make of this question.  Or non-Christians too.

Good question, honey.

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