Monday, March 11, 2013

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Like...

I have a lot of political opinions, many of which stem from the fact that I am a social worker.  What doesn’t get mentioned enough is that I am pretty much a social worker because I am Catholic, and because I am Catholic I believe in life and the dignity of the human person.  So as much as I love my profession, I am Catholic first.

I’ve always had lots of amazing friends who were Catholic (and otherwise Christian) who really enhanced my spirituality and prayer life.  But when I went to college at OSU when I was 20, for the first time ever, I gained a large group of friends who were not particularly religious.  I’ve always been able to get along with a variety of people, so that in itself is not surprising.  What I didn’t know when I was first getting to know these people is that they would also encourage my spiritual life in ways that I couldn’t have possibly guessed nearly a decade ago.

Even though there have been a few rifts in the group, on the whole there is this closeness between us that is hard to explain.  It’s just one of those situations where words fail me.  While we were still in college, I was living with some other friends of mine, and we decided to throw a huge party, and all invite our friends from other areas of our lives.  Those roommates observed that this group of friends (who I will refer to as my “Dixon” friends because we met when most of us were living in Dixon Lodge) seemed unusually close.  They said “You guys seem like a family.”  And for a long time, that’s how I’ve felt about these friends.  When I’m around them, I feel appreciated and loved for who I am, and I appreciate and love all of them, just for who they are.  I’ve told them on camping trips around the campfire that through their love and support in my life, they have been Christ to me.  Since most of them are not Christian, I was hesitant to say that at first for fear it might offend them, but they know me and they seemed to understand that from me, that was really an affirmation of how I feel about them.

Last night, one of these friends married a beautiful and just amazing lady.  I am totally crazy about her and was pretty excited to welcome her into our “family” with open arms.  She loves him for exactly who he is, and her love makes him a better man.  Last night, as I watched him hold her hands and look into her eyes and give her his vows, I felt spiritually “full.”  I don’t know how to describe the feeling fully except to say that I felt like I was brimming with pride for him.  He has always just been a great guy, but she brings out the very best in him, and watching him last night felt like I was seeing the “him” that he’s always longed to be.

I spent the rest of the evening celebrating and spending time with my Dixon friends, and again, it just made me feel spiritually full to the brim.  I laughed, I caught up, I met the girlfriend of one of them (and she’s awesome!), I spent time with all of them who were there, and just felt re-affirmed as a person.  I went home and dreamt that the reception just went on and on and I woke up so happy today.  I couldn’t stop thinking about how awesome it was to be with those friends, rejoicing in a wonderful life-changing event for two of those friends!

Last month, I visited another great friend of mine, who will be my matron of honor later this year.  She lives in Lawrence, Kansas and much of her recreation is focused around the KU Jayhawks.  She was talking about how she was at mass one Sunday, and the priest’s homily mentioned KU and how after big wins, the streets of Lawrence flood with happy fans who celebrate together.  He was relating this to heaven, and how when we are in heaven, we will all be celebrating and rejoicing together:  not just singing softly in some pew, but also running around joyfully and boisterously, sharing in joy together.  Being a sports fan myself, I rather enjoyed that image and it made me excited about going home to heaven after this life is over.

I have to say that for me, last night was also reminiscent of what I think heaven will be.  There will be much rejoicing, but there will also be a sense of intimacy.  We will be reunited with those we love, and we will be reunited over something great.  (In that case the something great will be that we will finally be in full communion with God, but personally I think the union formed by a wedding makes a great analogy!)  And this makes me even more excited to eventually get to my eternal Home.

Finally, I don’t know if Will and Caroline will ever see this, but if you do, just know that your wedding touched me deeply, and I am so excited for the new life you are starting!  Caroline, you are the perfect addition to our crazy “family,” and even more importantly, the best match for Will any of us could have dreamed up.  Will, one of my favorite things about our friendship is that we can give each other crap about everything, but for once here I will be sincere:  you are an amazing friend and human being, and the fact that you and Caroline found each other just makes me indescribably happy!  You both deserve this kind of love!

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