Friday, November 2, 2012

I'll be the first to admit that I'm naive.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm naive.

But I really, truly believe that the common person does what he or she thinks is the right thing.

I believe that most people vote for what they think is moral.

I will not speak for any person who runs for president, because I think people who run for president are greedy.  Believe me, you don't want to hear my soap box on that.

A mark of maturity is to be able to hold seemingly conflicting truths at the same time.

Someone may support something you think is evil...AND...they might still be a good person.  In fact, they may genuinely believe that YOUR belief is evil.

Some of my friends will read this and think I wrote it with them in mind.  They may be partially right.  There are many more with whom I wrote this in mind who will not get it at all.

Just please remember that your fellow woman or man is still your fellow woman or man, and that you aren't going to change anybody's mind by spitting vitriol at them.

Respectful dialogue is the name of the game.  Don't tell me "but so and so doesn't play nice!" because you can't control anyone else's actions, only your own.  So let it start with you.

And I hope you are still my friend after election season.


  1. that is called a "dialectic" in DBT

    1. I was gonna say that!!! But then I didn't want to have to explain what a dialectic was...
